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Entrepreneurship Education

Studies and Teaching

Teaching entrepreneurial thinking and acting
With its entrepreneurship education, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf aims to awaken students' interest in the options of self-employment and founding a company and make them curious about the exciting challenges that a business start-up opens up.

Courses for students and scientists of all faculties
With knowledge about the evolution and management of new enterprises as well as input and experience reports taken from practice, the course offer aims to relay the basic application-oriented know-how required for a successful start-up and encourage participants to transform their own business idea into reality.

Studium Universale

Studierendenakademie x HCSD x CEDUS

The CEDUS Impact Academy is part of the sustainability module Skills4Change of module part 2, which is offered by the HCSD.

The "Impact Academy" seminar will take place at HHU from 21 to 25 October 2024. It follows the Design Thinking approach and integrates methods of Planet Centric Design to develop sustainable ideas for the common good. On the first day, you will receive an introduction to Design Thinking and the 2030 Agenda, followed by team building and problem definition. On Tuesday, you will validate assumptions through interviews and surveys and formulate creative questions. The third day is dedicated to prototype development and impact management. On Thursday, you will prepare your final presentation. On the last day, you will give your presentation and the event will end with a final reflection. You can find the day-by-day agenda in PDF format here.

How can we help to counteract climate change? How do we want to organise society fairly? And how do we deal with conflicting goals and setbacks? The certificate module offers students from all subject areas the opportunity to develop and test transformative skills for sustainable development and gain an additional qualification that is becoming increasingly relevant for the labour market: As part of interdisciplinary programmes, students acquire professional and personal skills that enable them to play an active role in the sustainable transformation of our society. Systemic thinking, collaborative competences and problem-solving skills can be directly applied and tested in practical projects.

The module is divided into two parts: In module part 1, basic knowledge on the topic of ‘sustainable development’ is taught and sustainability skills are tested in initial applications. In module part 2, students can acquire personal skills as well as expand their basic knowledge in specialised seminars and lectures and apply it in practical projects. To obtain the certificate, a total of three courses must be selected from the two module areas, whereby at least one course from each area must be chosen. You can find more information on the HCSD website.

Faculty of Business Administration and Economics

Chair of Entrepreneurship and Finance

In the lecture “From the Idea to the Founding”, the business and legal fundamentals of a business start-up are conveyed as part of the Studium Universale. In addition, successful founders give helpful insights into practice and report on their individual experiences.


In this seminar, students become founders. Based on their own ideas, student teams learn to found a new company in practical steps. On the basis of market, customer demand and competition analyzes, students develop their own product over the course of the semester, which they test on customers by designing a suitable marketing strategy. At the end of the seminar, students try to convince relevant interest groups of their company through an investor pitch.


With a strategic business start-up game, the typical phases of a business start-up are mapped realistically and dynamically simulated. With tools such as the business plan or the business model canvas, students are supported in the start-up process. Then they have to survive on the market with their companies. This includes, among other things, the reaction to market changes, the raising of capital and the valuation of the company.


The Entrepreneurship Lab offers students of the master's degree programs in Business Administration, Economics and Business Chemistry the opportunity to develop a project on a practical problem in cooperation with a regional startup company. The aim of the Entrepreneurship Lab is that students work on a relevant Entrepreneurship topic from the point of view of a real business.


Math.-Nat. Faculty

Chair of Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurship

This course is designed for future founders, CTOs (Chief Technology Officers), and anyone who wants to know how to develop technology-based innovations and bring them to market in startups and large companies.

Students explore the entrepreneurial process using a learning by doing methodology. The lecture and case studies sessions provide and discuss tools and methods of creating, visualizing, and analyzing digital business models (eg, business model canvas, lean startup, design thinking). In a group project, students transfer and apply those tools and methods to create, evaluate, plan, and pitch their own tech startup ideas.


Both startups and established companies have started to realize that designing and maintaining great user experience (UX) is the best way to build trust, retention, and loyalty of staff and customers alike. 


Prof. Dr. Steffi Haag
Prof. Dr. Steffi Haag

Responsible for the content: Ingo Stefes : Contact by e-mail